Make up By VeneetaS

Make up By VeneetaS
Makeup Makeup Makeup

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Splash of Color by VeneetaS

Merry Christmas everyone! Hope Santa brought you all what you wanted.
I haven't been around for awhile but I'm back now and I will be making a new makeup video in the next couple of days.
I plan on doing my video's a little different then I have been.
I will be taking away the music from the beginning, because I found it to be annoying and would turn the sound off before watching. So if I was doing that what were other people doing? Plus I'm the one that picked the
There will also be some little changes here and there. I haven't worked them all out yet.
I hope you all have a wonderful New Year.
We have no plans for New Years Eve but there is a Three Stoogest Marathon on NYE!
Have a good one everyone and please stay safe.