Make up By VeneetaS

Make up By VeneetaS
Makeup Makeup Makeup

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Makeup by VeneetaS

Hi everyone my newest video is uploaded on You Tube already and it's MY First Haul. I had so much fun doing this video that it has a Two Part to it. As I say in the video that it's a new year and a new beginning so I guess I will do a couple of reviews before the next haul and somewhere there will be a makeup tutorial.
If there is something that you would like me to review then leave me a message and I will get to it very soon. If there is something in my haul video's that you would like to see a review of then please let me know.
I had some trouble with my lighting and showing the colors of the products but that was only temporary as I'm working on the lighting now and will be ready for my next video witch might be a review or a haul cause this week I have gathered a lot of stuff and much being drug store stuff which is unusual for me. I usually go for the higher priced items but thought I would give drugstore products a chance and I always love their mascaras.